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Always Improving!


Congratulations to four of the team at Parchments of Oxford, who have successfully been awarded NVQ certificates in Business Improvement Techniques.

Typesetter Andy Aries; sales manager David Fowles; digital printer Gary Bowen; together with fellow printer Jonathan Skinner; all studied at Abingdon and Witney College.

The four have chalked up nearly 80 years’ service between them at the business and managing director, Chris Lima, says their hard work proves it’s never too late to learn.

“We’re delighted that all four have successfully achieved their qualifications,” he said. “Parchments has been at the heart of printing in Oxford for over 50 years and continuing to invest in training and developing new skills across all our employee base is very important to us.

“We’re constantly looking at new opportunities and ways to enhance the service and products we provide for both businesses and consumers and we look forward to putting into practice the new techniques which the team have taken on board.”

With a timely eye on the Christmas market, Parchments will shortly be launching an exciting new range of personalised gifts for both the corporate and consumer markets.